Showing posts with label feet mask. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feet mask. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Holika Holika Baby Silky Foot One Shot Peeling foot mask

Warning!! This post has unpleasant pictures of shedding skin on the feet.  Please leave this post if you do not want to gag at those unpleasant photos.

My feet were a little rough and I knew from another blogger that there are these feet masks which help shed a layer of skin thus revealing baby soft feet.  I went on Gmarket and found that Holika Holika has that feet mask so I ordered 2.  It is called Baby Silky Foot One Shot Peeling foot mask.  I bought one for me and one for my bf.  When my order arrived, my bf did not want to participate in this feet peeling fiasco.  I asked my mom if she would like to do this and she also declined.  They were both reluctant to shed their skin..I think they think it is freaky! LOL.  I asked one of my close friend if she wanted to try since she also loves to try new things and she accepted. :D

I highly recommend this type of "spa/feet masks"  They totally work, your feet will shed on the 4th day and by the 7th day, your feet will be super soft!  I don't recommend doing this too often, but once half a year or so, depending on the condition of your feet, isn't bad at all!
This Baby Silky Foot One Shot Peeling comes with 2 baggies for your feet and the miracle feet peeling serum.  You put your feet into the bags, pour the serum in, tie the bag and soak them for 1.5 hours.  After soaking, you could clearly see a line on where the soak ended on my feet.  After soaking there is no change at all to the softness of your skin.   It is roughly day 4 when you see the peeling!  At that point you can peel your feet OR you can soak them in warm water and then use a wash cloth and slough off the dead skin OR leave it to do its thing.  It was so amazing to see it had peeled, it was mind blowing when I attempted to peel it because it didn't hurt but my brain was telling me "OH GOD, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? IT SHOULD HURT!" but it didn't.  I ended up soaking my feet and then sloughing it off with a wash cloth because peeling is not recommended plus is got tiresome.  It was about $7.00CAD per box of 1.
Link to buy on Gmarket:

Pictures of the process:
Before the feet mask, note the heels and the roughness
the sole of my foot is hard from all the walking, especially walking in sand
bags for your feet
excuse my dry legs
tie the baggy so the liquid doesn't spill
excuse my nails but look at the define line on my leg from where the soak started and ended!!
4th day peeling!  It was peeling on it's own...right foot
left foot!
 After the whole process on the 7th day! Baby smooth skin!!
with scrubbing it was super soft!!
a bit more peeling to go but baby soft feet!
Happy shopping guys!
